We have gnats where I live so I use handheld fans all summer.  We have lots of palmetto bushes around and would like to use them.  The problem with them is that once cut, the frond closes up.  I need to know how to keep it open and what I can spray it with to preserve it.

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2 Answers

by Master Gardner (33.2k points)
Pack Ice around the frond that you want to clip.  Put the Ice around it and wait for about 1/2 an hour.  It should remain ovpen long enough for you to do what you need.  And you may want to expirement with small ones before you try a larger size. -Birdy
by Master Gardner (152k points)
I would try to isolate one piece....leave it on the bush...try some cheap hair spray and spray that real good while it is open on the bush.........spray it several times...both sides......let it totally dry...............and then cut need to use a cheap total hold in place hairspray.  Just do one and see if that works.  They have a spray varnish but that is much more expensive.

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